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The Bookshelf BFF's talk 'Luna explores Somerset' with author Ben Pulletz

Children holding up a book

Meet Luna... a young deer who is having all sorts of adventures around the county!

Luna explores Somerset

Luna is the creation of Ben Pulletz, a Somerset wildlife photographer and young entrepreneur. The book is illustrated by Jason Venus and it's a lovely read for children and adults alike, packed with history, education, and nature.

The Bookshelf BFF's from Frome College, Lydia, Leah, and Martha, welcomed Ben to the library to discover more about his book. They also chat about what inspires Ben, whether it's writing or photography, and there might even be talk of cheese too!

Just press play on the image below, to have a listen to the BFF's very first interview on Be Somerset Radio. We can't wait to hear more from them next year, and we're looking forward to launching our Be Somerset book club in 2025 too. More about that on the way, so keep an eye on our Be Somerset social channels.

For now, let's step into the world of Luna explores Somerset!


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