NHS psychiatrist, award-winning comedian, and Sunday Times best-selling author of ‘You Don’t Have To Be Mad To Work Here’, Dr Benji Waterhouse is going on his first book tour! ‘You Don’t Have To Be Mad To Work Here’ was released last year to much critical acclaim, and his tour is coming to Komedia Bath in June.

Jenna has been catching up with Dr Benji for a fascinating, funny, and in some parts heartbreaking conversation. It takes in what it’s like working on the front-line, with patients who have often-feared disorders. They chat about how we widen the conversation about mental health, how vulnerable patients can receive the care they need when psychiatry lacks staff, hospital beds, and any actual cures... and, Dr Benji shares the secret to happiness. Honest. Whether it’s achievable or not is a totally different question!
Sit back and listen by pressing play, below. There’s certainly a lot to mull over.